Milton Ruben Auto Group

May 5, 2015

It took us a year of searching, voting, meeting, and debating for us to find our DriveBaby – and now that we have, he’s just too adorable not to share with you guys!  We want you to meet Gentry Allen, 3 years old, and the Milton Ruben Superstore DriveBaby of 2015!

What makes you happy? Mommy, baby brother Bryson, and daddy

What makes you laugh? Bryson and being tickled

What is your favorite thing to do? Drive my new Jeep


What is your favorite toy? Beach ball

What is your favorite food? Mac n cheese

What are you really good at? Running fast

What’s your favorite place? School

What did you buy with your DriveBaby Toys-R-Us gift card? Jeep PowerWheels

What do you want to be when you grow up? Firefighter


Are you just melting?? What a cutie!

See Gentry close our commercials on TV or on our YouTube channel!


Gentry was selected by a committee at Milton Ruben from twelve DriveBabies of the Month.  He visited us a couple weeks ago with his family, parents Rachel and Cole, and baby brother Bryson, to accept his scholarship, awarded by Toyota General Manager Chuck Easters.

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Photos of Gentry with his brother and in his Jeep are courtesy of his family. 

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