Milton Ruben Auto Group

Apr 2, 2015

After a year of searching, voting, and melting from the adorable faces of the CSRA’s toddlers, our DriveBaby Contest has come to a close.  It was a long day of debate amongst our committee as we trialed and tribulated over which of our twelve Drive Baby of the Month winners would become our DriveBaby.


At long last, we finally landed on a unanimous decision.

We are so excited and proud to introduce you to Milton Ruben Superstore’s DriveBaby:


Congratulations, Gentry! We will be hosting Gentry and his family at our dealership in the coming weeks to award him with his well-earned $1000 scholarship.  Keep an eye out for him in our commercials!!

Thanks to all who participated by entering their child or voting!  And thanks to the community of Augusta, GA for being supportive of our efforts to find our DriveBaby!

Check out other community events in our Recycling Perks campaign, the Rock Fore! Dough Ticket Giveaway, our involvement on Fort Gordon, and our annual Drive For The Community!

To stay updated on more events at Milton Ruben, join us on FacebookTwitterYoutubeInstagram, Pinterest, and Google!



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