Milton Ruben Auto Group

Mar 3, 2015

One of our local news stations interviewed New Yorkers on what they think of when they think “Augusta, GA” and the responses were no surprise – a lot of southern cookin’ and The Master’s.

With the infamous golf tournament fast approaching, we decided to help people practice their swing with our very own Hole-In-One Putting Competition!


From now until the Saturday before Masters, we will have a putting green set up in the Toyota Guest Lounge, where you can try your hand at a Hole-In-One! All contestants who succeed on the first try will win a Key Fob Cover and an entry for an Ogio Itza X-tra Light Golf Bag with an Accessory Kit!


The golf bag features a number of pockets and compartments, including an easy access magnetized golf ball pocket and an extra light stand! The accessories kit includes a visor, golf balls, sunglasses, and more, with the whole gift valued at over $250!  We will draw a name from a hat of our Hole-In-One contestants in Milton Ruben Toyota Parts on Saturday, April 4th, 2015 to choose our Hole-In-One Putting Competition winner!


Our new GM, Chuck Easters, gave the putting green a swing to warm it up...

Our new GM, Chuck Easters, gave the putting green a swing to warm it up…



... And got a Hole-In-One on the first try!

… And got a Hole-In-One on the first try!









What do you have to lose but a short, slow stroke of practice for the upcoming golf season??


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 Photos and graphic by Milton Ruben Social Media Specialist Heather Cortright.

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