Milton Ruben Auto Group

Jun 25, 2014

BloodDrive_BannerIt’s that time again – time for us to host Shepeard Community Blood Center‘s mobile blood donation truck on our pre-owned lot!  In the spirit of giving, we thought you might like to expand your mind with a few facts about donating the gift of life:

1. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.

Why you should donate blood.


2. The blood type most often requested by hospitals is Type O (the universal blood type).

3. The average red blood transfusion is 3 pints.

4. Over 1.5 million Americans were diagnosed with cancer in 2013. One third of chemotherapy patients will require a blood transfusion during treatment.

Why you should donate blood.


5. One car accident victim could require as much as 100 pints of blood.

6. A single blood donation can save as many as three people.


Why you should donate blood.


7. Risk of accidents increases over the summer and during the holiday season, thus increasing the need for blood.

8. 4.5 million Americans would die each year without the assistance of a blood transfusion.


Why you should donate blood.


9.  On average, the typical blood donation from start to finish takes about 45 minutes.  (The actual blood-taking takes about 10 minutes.)

10.  One pint of blood weighs about a pound.  So every time you give blood, you lose a pound.

11.  Human beings have four blood types – A, B, AB, and O.  (Cows have over 800 blood types.)

12. President Reagan required a total of twelve pints of blood transfusion after the assassination attempt in 1981.

13. President Jimmy Carter gave multiple gallons of blood over his lifetime (type A negative).

14. Only 5% of the American population donates blood on a regular basis, despite over 37% being qualified.

15. One in seven people will need a blood transfusion at some point in their lives.

Why you should donate blood.



This summer, Shepeard’s Center has teamed up with Harry’s Saw Shop to put all donors in a drawing to win a riding lawn mower – a Husqvarna powered by Briggs & Stratton.  They will be in our Pre-Owned lot on Wednesday, July 9 from 11am until 3:30pm – perfect to squeeze into your lunch hour!

So what do you have to lose? (Other than a pound.) Come see us at 3508 Washington Road in Augusta and save a life or three!



UPDATE: A great big thanks to all who came out to donate last summer! Now, we’re planning our Fall Blood Drive! This time, Shepeard Blood Community Center is giving away a $25 gift card to one of our donors! Come see us on the Pre-Owned lot and Save A Life or Three!





Read more about our Community Involvement here!

This post was written by Social Media Specialist Heather Cortright.

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