Milton Ruben Auto Group

Jul 17, 2017

If you have been to a park around the CSRA lately chances are you have seen a painted rock tucked away under a bush or at the top of a slide. It’s a phenomenon that has taken over the Augusta area and we LOVE IT!

Rock painting has given kids a new activity to do with their friends and family that gets them outside. It’s a simple activity that is putting smiles on faces all over town.

If you aren’t familiar with the “game” kids paint rocks with bright colors or short messages and then hide them for other people to find. When you find a rock you can post it on social media, replace the rock with your own painted rock, or re-hide it somewhere else. It’s so simple and yet so much fun!

Milton Ruben has decided to get in on the action! Beginning Tomorrow, July 18th, you will find Drive Baby rocks popping up at the parks around town. We have painted 9 rocks and hid them in parks around town from Grovetown all the way to North Augusta. Only 1 rock per park. These painted rocks can be turned in, by children ages 12 years and younger, to Milton Ruben for a fun prize! Here on our lot we have 3 buildings, we have 3 rocks for each building. The back of your rock will tell you which building to go to to receive your prize. Simply visit the sales desk and one of our awesome Sales Managers will be there to greet you. We are looking forward to joining in on this fun activity and we can’t wait to meet everyone! Be sure to pose for a picture with your rock and don’t forget the hashtag #DriveBabyRocks. See you out there!Drivebabyrocks 

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